Children’s Investments

It’s never too early to start planning for your child’s future and finding tax efficient investments is a key part of that. You may wish to consider Junior ISA’s and Junior Bonds and may already have a Children’s Trust Fund.


A Junior ISA is a tax efficient way to invest for your child’s future. It allows you to invest over the long term for your child’s future needs such as university fees, driving lessons or a deposit for a property.There is no income tax or capital gains tax to pay on the final amount which your child can access at age 18.A Junior ISA is for children under the age of 18 and can be either cash ISA or a stocks and shares ISA.


Junior Bond is a tax efficient way to save for your child’s future and they can be opened for children aged 15 and younger.


A Child Trust Fund is a long term tax free savings account for children. You can no longer open a Child Trust Fund because the scheme is now closed however you can consider a Junior ISA described earlier.If you already have a Child Trust Fund you can continue to add money to your CTF account. The money belongs to the child but they cannot withdraw it until they are 18.

A School Fee Plan is designed to help parents and guardians pay school and university fees.

They are a way to save that aims to be tax efficient whilst offering a degree of protection. Although they are designed to pay school and university fees they can actually be used for other things.

You can invest a capital lump sum or pay in regular amounts or combine the two.

There is much to consider with a School Fee Plan as there is no guarantee of how much you will get as investments can go down as well as up.
The amount of tax you will pay will depend upon the specific School Fee Plan.

Our advisers at TFA will assess your requirements and determine whether a School Fee Plan is an appropriate investment for you or whether, in fact, other savings and investment products are more appropriate. Our advisers are independent and can therefore investigate all options for you.

The value of investments can fall as well as rise. You may not get back what you invest.

A Junior ISA, Junior Bond or School Fee Fund could be part of your overall investment plan for your child and our advisers can help you make the right decision for your needs.Finding answers can be hard. We can help you to meet your investment challenges – please contact us for more information