Retirement Planning & Pension Advice

Preparing for your retirement even when it seems a long way off, is a crucial part of financial planning.

It’s never too early to start planning for your future. When planning for retirement, the truth is that the earlier you start saving and investing, the better off you’ll be, thanks to the power of your money compounding over time. It’s like a snowball: the further up the mountain it rolls down from, the more snow it picks up, and the bigger the snowball is by the time it reaches the bottom. Put simply, this is what happens to your money.

If you’re concerned about saving enough money for retirement, you’re not alone. Even if you began saving late or have yet to begin, it’s important to know that you are not alone, and we can discuss with you how you can increase your retirement savings. There are steps that you can take to improve your pension prospects, no matter what your age.

We can help you determine which retirement income methods may be best for you based on your personal needs and goals.

Our approach to retirement planning and pensions follows the same principles as outlined in our 6 principles of Investment advice:

  • 01 Have a plan and stick to it
  • 02 Think twice before putting money in cash
  • 03 Start investing early if you can
  • 04 Diversify & consider your investments as a whole
  • 05 Don't be a victim of 'activity bias'
  • 06 Ensure you have a tailored plan specifically for you

TFA Guide to pensions and retirement planning

Insights from the experts

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The value of investments can fall as well as rise. You may not get back what you invest.

Achieving your investment goals doesn’t happen by chance. It needs vision, a long-term commitment and the help of professional experts to create and execute your strategy. Investors are facing unprecedented challenges in today’s global markets. Finding answers can be hard. We can help you to meet your investment challenges – please contact us for more information