Independent Financial Adviser Andy Burton explains his passion for ethical and sustainable investing
I have a strong personal passion for ethical funds and the great news is that over recent times there has been a huge rise In the number of ESG (Ethical, Social & Governance) funds that are available. I also feel that the old myth that investing ethically reduces your potential for returns has been dispelled and I have seen on multiple occasions, ethical funds outperforming their non-ethical counterparts.
The downside is that with so much choice, it is harder than ever to determine which funds are suitable for you and match your views. There is also a real concern about “greenwashing” which means that some funds that have an ESG designation, may not be as ethical as they appear! Finally, I have found that a majority of funds focus on the Social & Governance side but neglect the Ethical aspect.
Whether you would like to have your pension and savings invested in funds that make a positive impact, or you have strong ethical views and would like to focus on discounting investments in certain areas, I can help guide you through the options that best suit you.
Many people are taking great steps every day to reduce their impact on our world but then often don’t think that their pensions and savings may be invested in industries and companies that are making a negative impact or profiting from areas you simply don’t agree with. Whilst it is important that your money is working hard for you, it is also possible that your money can be working towards helping the planet at the same time.
Whilst 2020 has been a difficult year, there has again been a spotlight on looking after our planet and trying to make a positive impact and I feel this is going to continue to be a serious discussion going forwards. In light of this, I don’t think there has ever been a better time to start investing ethically.
If you would like to have a discussion about how your pensions and investments can be used to make a positive impact or how you can ensure you are invested in line with your ethical beliefs, please do not hesitate to contact me. You may also be interested in reading our Guide to Environmental, Social and Governance Investing.

If you’d like to find out more about Andy you can do so by reading his biography and if you would like to get in contact he can be reached on andy.burton@tfagroup.co.uk or by calling 0800 3899 708. You may also book a free consultation with Andy via the booking system which can be found on his biography page.